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PPL Electricity Rates

Written By: Adam Cain

Last Updated: 08/15/2024

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Pennsylvania Power & Light (PPL) Electric Utilities delivers electricity to 1.4 million Pennsylvanians throughout the eastern half of the state. They maintain the infrastructure needed for reliable electricity delivery, including about 50,000 miles of power lines – enough to stretch around the world twice. A steward in the community, PPL spends over $90 million annually to help low-income customers pay their heating bills.

If you are a PPL customer in Pennsylvania, benefit from Energy Choice. This means that you can choose your electricity provider and realize potential savings on your electricity supply rate. Over 553,000 PPL customers have made the switch as of January 2023.

Percentage based on the total number of customers of regulated electric utilities in Pennsylvania as of January 2024.

Shop PPL Electricity Rates

Best Electricity Rates
ProviderPlan NameLengthRate Per kWhSign Up
True Classic 4
4 Mo.10.58¢Select
Public Power
Electric 12 Month Fixed Rate
12 Mo.10.59¢Select
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 12
12 Mo.11.69¢Select
True Classic 24
24 Mo.12.98¢Select
12 Month Green Home Power Plan
12 Mo.13.89¢Select
PlanRate Per kWh
True Classic 4

4 Months
Public Power
Electric 12 Month Fixed Rate

12 Months
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 12

12 Months
True Classic 24

24 Months
12 Month Green Home Power Plan

12 Months
  • 100% Renewable Sources
See All Plans

To see all rates in your area, enter your ZIP Code in the Rate Comparison Tool at the top of the page.

How to Compare PPL Electricity Rates makes finding the best rates fast and easy so you can spend your energy on other things. Simply follow this three-step process:

Compare PPL Electricity Rates
  1. Enter your ZIP Code To see plans and providers in your area.
  2. Compare electricity providers and plans Pay attention to each plan's electricity supply rate and length.
  3. Switch electricity providers After finding the plan you want, select it, fill out the necessary info and switch!

It's that simple. Your new provider takes care of the rest. Your new plan will take over within one to two billing cycles. PPL still bills you, so the only change you'll notice is your new electricity rate.

Service Area

PPL's service area covers the central and eastern portions of Pennsylvania and including 29 counties.

Cities Served:

Counties Served:

  • Berks
  • Bucks
  • Carbon
  • Chester
  • Clinton
  • Columbia
  • Cumberland
  • Dauphin
  • Juniata
  • Lackawanna
  • Lancaster
  • Lebanon
  • Lehigh
  • Luzerne
  • Lycoming
  • Monroe
  • Montgomery
  • Montour
  • Northampton
  • Northumberland
  • Perry
  • Pike
  • Schuylkill
  • Snyder
  • Susquehanna County
  • Union
  • Wayne
  • Wyoming
  • York

PPL Energy Choice

By default, PPL customers receive both their electricity distribution and supply from the utility. In 1997, Pennsylvania residents were introduced to Energy Choice as a result of the Electricity Generation Choice and Competition Act. Since then, energy customers have had the ability to compare electricity providers and go with the best one for them.

The Pennsylvania PUC operates PA Power Switch, the official electricity shopping site for the state. On, you’ll find a vast and potentially scary amount of providers to choose from with varying levels of customer satisfaction and reliability. eliminates the fear of choosing the wrong provider. When you switch through, you can rest assured that you are choosing between leading providers offering great rates.

Reading Your PPL Electricity Bill

Before switching electricity providers, you should note the two types of charges on your PPL electricity bill. These are delivery charges and supply charges. Delivery charges ensure the reliable transmission and delivery of electricity and are set by the Pennsylvania PUC. Supply charges are what you pay your electricity provider for the electricity you use.

When you switch electricity providers, you take control of your electricity supply charges including your electricity supply rate, contract length and applicable terms.

PPL’s Price To Compare

As of January 2022, PPL's Price to Compare for residential customers is 8.941 per kWh. On June 1st, 2022, PPL’s Price to Compare is increasing by +38% to 12.36 per kWh through 11/30/2022.

The Price to Compare is the electricity supply rate for PPL's default electricity supply service. You use it when comparing competing electricity plans, hence the name Price to Compare. PPL's Price to Compare is listed on your PPL electricity bill.

Saving with PPL's Customer Programs

If you're a PPL Electric customer in Pennsylvania, there are quite a few utility programs that may help you save on your energy bills, appliances and more. Here are just a few:

  • Appliance Recycling – PPL will pick up and dispose of your old refrigerator or freezer and pay you $35 to do it.
  • In-Home Audits – Save energy and money with an assessment by a certified contractor who will provide energy-saving recommendations for your home.
  • Appliance, HVAC and Insulation Rebates – From heat pumps to attic insulations, enjoy between $25-450 in rebates.

Take a quick look at PPL's savings opportunities to see how you can lower your electricity bill.

PPL Contact Information

Want to learn more about Energy Choice in Pennsylvania? Visit our Pennsylvania electricity rates page.

Disclaimer: Standard offer service rates, price to compare rates or default electric supply rates from your utility may differ from what's shown on this page. Check with your local utility provider to confirm.

FAQs About PPL

What does PPL Stand For?

PPL stands for Pennsylvania Power and Light.

Can PPL Customer Switch Electricity Providers?

If you are a PPL customer, you have Energy Choice. This means that you can compare electricity offers from competing electricity providers in Pennsylvania and sign up for a new supply rate.

What Happens When I Switch my PPL Electricity Provider?

When you switch your PPL electricity provider, PPL will still safely and reliably deliver electricity to your home and your bill will still come from PPL. The only thing that changes is the new provider and the supply rate that appears on your bill.

How Do I Report a PPL Power Outage?

To report a power outage for PPL, text “outage” to “TXTPPL” or report your outage online using the button on this page.