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Savings Tips

Updated: 12/12/2023

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Top 10 Safety Tips for Hanging Holiday Lights

As the festive season approaches, homes and businesses illuminate in sparkling glory. However, many families and individuals suffer from accidents and injuries related to holiday decoration mishaps every year. With home light displays reaching new heights in popularity and complexity, ...

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When is the Best Time to Shop for Electricity in Texas?

In the vast state of Texas, where the weather can be as unpredictable as the Cowboys' next football season, your electricity bill shouldn't be one of those unpredictable elements. Knowing the optimal time to shop for a new provider can ...

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Best Home Energy Monitors

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability and conservation, understanding our energy consumption has never been more critical. To that end, home energy monitors are innovative devices designed to give homeowners valuable insights into their electricity usage. With their ability ...

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The Best Spring Cleaning Home Maintenance And Electricity Savings Tips

Spring is in full swing. Now is the perfect time to freshen up your cleaning routines and make your home as comfortable as possible for you and your family in the upcoming year. From changing out those dusty air filters, ...

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When is Electricity the Cheapest in Texas?

If you live in Texas, it's easy to see how vital energy production is to businesses, the economy, and the people of the Longhorn State. But, if you're a Texan, keeping up with the state's ever-changing prices for electricity can ...

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Why is My Electricity Bill so High?

Is your electricity bill burning a hole in your wallet from rising costs? You're not alone - many Americans are shocked when they see how much they pay for electricity each month. It can be challenging to figure out why ...

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Can Renters Switch Electricity Providers?

As a renter, you may think you're stuck with whatever electricity provider your landlord has chosen for the building. However, this is usually not the case! In many states, renters have the power to choose their own electricity provider. This ...

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Tips for Keeping Your Electricity Bill Down as Temperatures Fall

As the weather turns colder, many of us start cranking up the thermostat to stay warm. But, with energy rates at historic highs, you may dread opening your next winter electricity bill. Fortunately, there are things you can do to ...

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Are Energy Efficient Appliances Worth The Investment?

We've all been there... wandering down the home appliance aisle at Home Depot or Lowes, wondering what's with all of these Energy STAR and Energy Guide labels? They're found on newer and slightly more expensive models. Many of us are ...

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How Urban Families Can “Live off the Grid”

A new trend is gaining attention across the U.S. Off-grid living. And no matter where you live in the United States, you’ve likely heard mention of it. Essentially, it means living off of the electricity or power grid system. Typically ...

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