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Small Business Energy Options

Written By: Jesse Shaver

Last Updated: 03/13/2024

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Every decision can make or break your success in the small business world. One uncommon way to cut costs is by choosing the right energy source.

As a small business owner, you know how to handle challenges like hiring, managing inventory, and customer satisfaction. But have you considered the impact of your small business electricity plan on your bottom line?

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The Three Main Electricity Sources

The world of utility rates and energy providers can be as complex as any other part of your business. But worry not; we’re here to simplify it for you. This guide explains the three main types of electricity sources for small businesses: fossil fuels, nuclear, and renewables. We’ll explore how choosing the right energy source and plan can save your business big money on operating expenses.

At, we understand that every dollar counts for small business owners. That’s why we’re committed to offering competitive rates and tailored plans that suit your unique needs. Whether you’re seeking to save on small business energy or comparing small business energy provider options, we’ve got you covered. Let’s start on the path to smarter energy decisions today.

In the realm of energy sources, small businesses have three primary options: fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewables. Here are the pros and cons of each.

A. Fossil Fuels: The Traditional Powerhouses

Fossil fuels, including coal, natural gas, and oil, have long been the workhorses of electricity generation. They supply roughly 62% of the electricity used in the United States.


  • Fossil fuels are readily available and can provide consistent power.
  • They are cost-effective in the short term.


  • Environmental concerns: Fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases and are the largest contributor to climate change. Fossil fuels are responsible for over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and almost 90% of carbon dioxide emissions. These emissions create a heat-trapping effect on Earth.
  • Price volatility: Utility rates tied to fossil fuels can fluctuate widely based on the time of year or the economy. This can threaten small business budgets, which usually do not have much leeway.

Fossil fuel extraction is still widespread in the United States. Willow, a new $8 billion oil refinery project, is scheduled for Alaska’s north shore despite backlash from many Biden supporters.

This is just a third of the total fossil fuel investment in the U.S. Many more projects are underway. Globally, investments in fossil fuels have rebounded and now exceed even 2020 pandemic levels.

B. Nuclear Energy: A Powerful Contender

Nuclear energy, generated from atomic reactions, accounts for approximately 18% of electricity in the U.S.

Electricity from US nuclear plants started in 1958. There are currently 93 reactors at 54 plants across 28 states. The reactors’ average age is about 42 years. The oldest one, Nine Mile Point Unit 1 in New York, started in December 1969.


  • Low greenhouse gas emissions: Nuclear power is relatively clean in terms of carbon footprint.
  • Stable prices: Nuclear energy often provides stable utility rates over the long term.


  • Safety concerns: Accidents like Chornobyl and Fukushima have raised safety questions.
  • High initial costs: Building and maintaining nuclear facilities require substantial investment.

Nuclear energy recently made national news. The nuclear reactor, Unit 3 at Plant Vogtle in Georgia, began commercial operation in July 2023. This marks the first new American reactor built from scratch in nearly forty years.

At its full capacity, Unit 3 can provide electricity to 500,000 homes and businesses in Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. However, it’s worth noting that the project, including the upcoming Unit 4 reactor, has exceeded initial cost estimates. Net spending on the two reactors is nearing $35 billion compared to the $14 billion initial estimate. This is leading to an increase in energy rates for many Georgians.

C. Renewable Sources: The Green Revolution

Total U.S. renewable energy production and consumption reached record highs in 2022. Renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydropower, are gaining prominence, accounting for about 20% of U.S. electricity generation.


  • Environmentally friendly: they produce no direct emissions.
  • Sustainable: These sources are inexhaustible and offer long-term price stability.


  • Intermittency: Renewable energy production can be inconsistent due to weather conditions.
  • Initial setup costs: Installing renewable energy systems can be expensive.

Renewable energy has undoubtedly grown in popularity over the last decade. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act was financially the largest climate legislation in U.S. history. Starting in the middle of 2022, it provides funding, programs, and incentives for business electricity providers and commercial electrical plan buyers. Examples include tax credits to help drive investment in sustainability.

It will likely drive significant development of new clean electricity providers and businesses. Many small business electricity providers now offer renewable electric plans that are competitive with other sources of energy.

These insights into the three primary electricity sources should give you a clearer perspective as you consider small business energy plans and compare electricity providers for small businesses. Remember that your choice has a large impact on both your finances and environmental footprint.

Important Factors When Choosing Your Energy Source

Fortunately, in many states, business owners are allowed to select their own energy provider, plan, and source. This is known as Energy Choice, and it plays an essential role in allowing businesses to better control how much they pay for power.

When selecting the optimal energy source for your small business, it’s essential to weigh several critical factors. Let’s dive into these considerations.

A. Electricity Pricing

The financial aspect is paramount for small businesses. The cost of electricity plays a significant role in your overall expenses. Different energy sources come with distinct price tags.

There are multiple ways to measure the average national cost of different energy sources. A leading indicator experts use is the U.S. Levelized Cost of Electricity.

According to this report, here are the average costs across energy sources:

Certain factors reduce the total cost over time, such as license renewals for nuclear factories and increasingly more efficient lithium storage batteries for renewables.

In general, fossil fuels are often economical in the short term, but volatile prices can make long-term budgeting challenging. Nuclear energy costs are typically the most predictable of the three.

With renewable sources, setup costs can be high. But, long-term price stability and potential tax incentives or savings make renewables an attractive option.

B. Environmental Impact

Understanding your chosen energy source’s environmental impact is crucial in an era where environmental consciousness is a business asset.

Fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. Nuclear energy has a relatively low carbon footprint compared to fossil fuels. And renewable sources generate no direct emissions, offering a green and sustainable choice.

C. Energy Source Reliability

Reliable electricity is another vital consideration for smooth business operations. The last thing you want is a power outage when customer visits hit a peak.

Fossil Fuels generally provide consistent power but can be affected by price fluctuations, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine or particularly bad winter storms.

Nuclear Energy offers a stable electricity supply but faces safety concerns. In March 1979, the biggest nuclear accident in the U.S. happened. A small radiation release occurred due to a partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island power plant near Harrisburg, PA. It was caused by mistakes made by people and problems with the machinery. About 150,000 people were evacuated.

Renewable energy, such as solar panels and windmills, may be intermittent due to weather conditions. This requires backup solutions during storms or periods of low sun or wind. However, this is usually not a real issue as more renewable plants are being installed to diversify renewable energy sources. Electric reservoirs from other sources can be used to meet energy demand during lulls.

Each small business is unique, with distinct power needs. Your choice should align with your specific requirements, considering factors like energy demand, location, and industry.

The right choice will optimize your business operations, align with your environmental values, and yield substantial cost savings. is here to help you find the energy source that best suits your small business’s needs and aspirations.

Type your ZIP Code in our small business search bar to receive a comparison of all the top electricity providers in your area.

Making Your Energy Source Decision: A Strategic Approach

Choosing the right electricity source for your small business demands a thoughtful and strategic approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make an informed decision:

1. Assess Your Energy Consumption: Start by understanding your business’s electricity needs. Analyze past bills and usage patterns to determine your energy consumption.

2. Consider Your Budget: Establish a clear budget for your energy expenses. This should align with your financial goals and long-term sustainability objectives.

3. Evaluate Environmental Goals: Assess how each energy source aligns with your green initiatives and energy-efficiency targets.

4. Explore Available Plans on Visit our small business marketplace and enter your ZIP Code to explore a range of electricity plans tailored to small businesses. Compare rates, terms, and contract options. We validate all the plans on our site to ensure no hidden fees or penalties. So, you’re seeing the most trusted options.

5. Consult with Energy Experts: If needed, you can consult with’s energy experts or advisors. They will review your business and provide insights into the best options.

6. Make the switch: Once you find the best business electricity provider for your own needs, you can switch with minimal effort. Once you complete your enrollment forms, your new commercial electric provider does the switching for you.

With these steps, you can confidently select the most suitable electricity supplier for your small business.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Energy Choices

In the world of small business management, every decision counts, and choosing the right electricity source is no exception. As you embark on this journey to optimize your electrical business plan, remember that is here to empower your choices.

We understand that small business owners like you want to save on small business energy while balancing the books and striving for a more sustainable future. We’re committed to helping you achieve these goals through affordable small business electric plans and the best electricity providers for small businesses.

Let us be your partner in making energy plan decisions that align with your vision for your small business. No matter what type of business you own, we can help.

Together, we can illuminate the path to smarter energy choices, contributing to your business’s profits and a more energy-efficient future.

Visit our small business marketplace and enter your ZIP Code to explore a range of pre-vetted and trusted electricity plans tailored to small businesses at a great rate.