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Commonwealth Edison (ComEd)

Author: Adam Cain | Updated:

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Compare ComEd Electricity Rates

Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) is Illinois’ largest electricity utility, reliably delivering electricity to over 4 million customers. A unit of Chicago-based Exelon Corporation, they have been the primary electric utility in Illinois since 1907 with ties to Thomas Edison and the invention of modern electricity.

If you’re a ComEd customer, you have Energy Choice. This means you can compare ComEd electric rates against those of other companies and switch providers, realizing potential savings on your bill.

Keep reading to learn more about Energy Choice, find the best electricity rates for you, and potentially save money on your electricity bill.

Get the Best ComEd Electricity Rates

Featured Rates:

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How to Compare Electricity Rates

Comparing and switching electricity providers on is easy. To find the best ComEd electric rates for you, all you need to do is follow this simple three-step process:

Compare ComEd Electricity Rates in Illinois
  1. Enter your ZIP Code – To see providers and plans in your area.
  2. Compare electricity providers and plans – Pay attention to each plan’s electricity supply rate and plan length.
  3. Switch electricity providers – After you find the right plan for you, select it, fill out the necessary information, and switch.

It’s as simple as that. Your new provider will take over within one to two billing cycles and you do not need to call your utility company.

ComEd Customer Choice

All ComEd customers have the ability to choose their electricity provider, often called Customer Choice or Energy Choice. The benefit of switching electricity providers is finding lower supply rates than what you’re currently paying. These lower rates are made possible by electricity providers competing for your business.

When you switch electricity providers, ComEd will:

  • Continue to provide the delivery of electricity to all customers.
  • Maintain responsibility for the wires, poles, and all outage restoration.
  • Treat all customers equally, regardless of choice of service provider.

Comparing electricity rates and switching providers can be confusing if you’re not familiar with the process. brings you great rates from leading Illinois energy providers so you can rest easy and be confident in your choice.

Electricity Service Area

ComEd manages more than 90,000 miles of power lines in an 11,400-square-mile territory covering most of northern Illinois.

Cities in the ComEd service area:

Reading Your ComEd Electricity Bill

When you look at the charges on your ComEd electricity bill, you will notice two categories of charges: delivery charges and supply charges. When you switch electricity providers, you are taking control of your electricity supply charges.

Delivery Charges

  • Charged for the transmission and delivery of electricity
  • For the maintenance of electricity infrastructure including poles and lines
  • Do not change when you switch electricity providers

Supply Charges

  • Charged by your provider for the electricity you use
  • Based on your electricity usage (kWh) and supply rate (¢ per kWh)
  • Change when you shop for lower electricity rates and switch

Learn more about your ComEd electricity bill, including where to find your account number, the Price to Compare, and more.

ComEd Price to Compare

ComEd’s Price to Compare is the default supply rate that you pay if you don’t participate in Energy Choice. You can use it to help you decide whether or not you would save if you switched electricity providers. ComEd’s electricity bill lists the current Price to Compare.

ComEd Contact Information

Shop Electricity Rates for Other Illinois Utilities

Have more questions about Energy Choice? Visit our Illinois electricity rates page.

Updated:  5/22/2020