Connecticut Light & Power (CL&P) is now Eversource. Learn more by visiting the Eversource Connecticut page.
Compare Connecticut Light & Power (CL&P) Electricity Rates
As a resident of Connecticut and a CL&P customer, you have the ability to shop and switch to a lower electricity supply rate which is also known as Energy Choice. This can save you instantly on your electricity bill.
Below you will find CL&P’s “Price to Compare” as well as competing rates available in your area. Switching is 100% free and can be done in just minutes.
Shop CL&P Electricity Rates
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CL&P History
Connecticut Light and Power got its start in 1905 as The Rocky River Power Company. In 1917, the utility’s founder, J. Henry Roraback, changed the name to The Connecticut Light & Power Company and quickly merged several of the state’s smaller utility companies, primarily in the western part of the state. In 1929, the utility continued its expansion, purchasing The Eastern Connecticut Power Company.
After decades of cooperation, CL&P eventually joined with Western Massachusetts Electric Company (WMECo) and Hartford Electric Light Company in creating Northeast Utilities as a parent company.
In February of 2015, Connecticut Light and Power was rebranded as Eversource along with NSTAR, Public Service New Hampshire, and Yankee Gas,
CL&P Service Area
CL&P’s only major counterpart in Connecticut is United Illuminating, so the utility’s service area largely extends throughout the state except for that region. It is, however, split into four divisions.
- United Illuminating’s service area stretches along the coast in the southwest of the state from New Haven to Bridgeport, including their immediate metropolitan areas.
- CL&P also does not serve portions of Norwich, Bozrah, and Lebanon, as well as Groton in the eastern part of the state. These areas are served by Norwich Public Utilities and Groton Utilities respectively.
- The four divisions cover the western border south of Kent, from the northwestern corner of the state southeast toward New Haven, from Hartford to the north as far east as Union and from New Haven to the northeast and southeast corners of the state.
- Overall, CL&P serves over 1.2 million customers and 149 cities.
CL&P Electricity Rates
Connecticut Light & Power customers are able to save money on their electricity bill because of the competition in Connecticut that forces retail electricity providers to offer the lowest rates possible. The competition also drives providers such as Constellation Energy, Verde Energy and Direct Energy to create flexible and customized electricity plans and options as well as to generate other incentives such as innovative products and services.
Switching CL&P Electricity Providers
You can easily switch CL&P electricity rates and providers in under a minute. All you need is your account information from your most recent CL&P electricity bill. You can make the switch by entering your ZIP Code into our free rate comparison tool at the top of the page. Next, click on the plan and provider you would like to switch to and fill out the contact and account information forms.
Your new provider will contact CL&P (or your previous provider) and handle the rest. It will take one or two billing cycles to see your new provider on your CL&P electric bill. And remember, CL&P will continue to deliver your electricity, send your bill, and maintain all the wires and poles that deliver the electricity to your home. Deliver and transmission rates will NOT change if you switch to a retail electricity provider.
For billing inquiries or support please contact CL&P (Now Eversource) directly:
Looking for more information about comparing electricity rates? Visit our guide to Connecticut electricity rates.