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Energy Choice Blog

  • Will the closing of Three Mile Island impact Pennsylvania electricity rates?

    The closing of Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania means a reduction of about 804 megawatts from Pennsylvania’s 2018 generating capacity. Will it increase electricity rates in the area?

  • UK has first week without burning coal since the 19th century

    The UK has announced it set a new record of 160 hours(nearly one week) without using coal-fired power plants. This marks the first time the UK has gone a week without generating electricity from coal-fired power plants since the 19th century.

  • Ohio seeks ‘clean energy’ electricity surcharges in 2020

    An Ohio House panel on Thursday recommended a slightly slower timeline to end Ohio’s existing green-energy mandates and replace them with new subsidies for “zero-carbon” power plants.

  • How Long Should Your Electricity Plan Contract Be?

    May people aren't sure how long of an electricity plan they should sign up for. We lay out the pros and cons of long and short term contracts here.

  • Massachusetts Utilities Authorized to Collect $168 Million From Ratepayers for Offshore Wind Project

    The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities approved a multi-million dollar offshore wind energy project with Vineyard Wind last Friday. They also authorized the state’s three utilities to collect an additional $168 million from ratepayers just for carrying the contracts on their books.

  • Connecticut Strikes a 10 Year Deal with New England’s Biggest Power Plant

    The State of Connecticut signed a 10-year agreement with the Millstone Power Station to continue to provide electricity for the state.

  • CenterPoint Files to Increase Electricity Delivery Rates $161 million for Texas Residents

    CenterPoint Energy, the Houston based electricity utility, filed for a massive increase to their electricity delivery charges on Friday. The utility is seeking a $161 million increase in delivery rates, an amount that would raise electricity bills $2.38 a month for customers using 1,000 kilowatt hours of power.

  • Survey Says New Jersey Residents Still Strongly In Favor of Offshore Wind Energy Development

    New Jersey residents are still strongly in favor of offshore wind energy development. Over three-quarters, (76%) of NJ residents say they are in favor of offshore wind energy development while only 15% are opposed.

  • You Can Save Lives Just by Turning Off Your Lights

    Energy-efficiency is a term that gets tossed around a lot these days. Whether we want to save money on our electricity bill or help prevent global warming, we know being energy-efficient is becoming increasingly more important. But, did you know it can also save lives?

  • Which States Have The Highest Average Electricity Bill?

    Having a high electricity rate doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be stuck with a huge electricity bill at the end of the month. Here is a list of the top average electricity bills in the US.
