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Atlantic City Electric (ACE)

Written By: Adam Cain

Last Updated: 11/10/2020

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Atlantic City Electric

Compare Atlantic City Electric Electricity Rates

Atlantic City Electric is a utility company whose service area spans 2,800 square miles of southern New Jersey. As a subsidiary of Exelon, Atlantic City Electric has reliably delivered electricity to 550,000+ New Jersey customers and has donated over $3.1 million to 600+ organizations.

Atlantic City Electric customers can participate in New Jersey's Energy Choice Program. This means you can compare electricity rates offered by third-party electricity companies and realize potential savings on your bill.

Read on to learn more, or enter your ZIP Code into the Rate Comparison Tool above to start comparing today!

Shop for Atlantic City Electric Electricity Rates

Featured Rates:

New Jersey
Best Electricity Rates
ProviderPlan NameLengthRate Per kWhSign Up
Clearview Energy
Clear Charge 12 Plus
12 Mo.15.39¢Select
Direct Energy
Term Optimized Live Brighter 6
6 Mo.15.49¢Select
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 12
12 Mo.16.69¢Select
18 Month Home Power Plan
18 Mo.16.99¢Select
Green 6 Month Fixed Rate
6 Mo.17.18¢Select
PlanRate Per kWh
Clearview Energy
Clear Charge 12 Plus

12 Months
Direct Energy
Term Optimized Live Brighter 6

6 Months
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 12

12 Months
18 Month Home Power Plan

18 Months
Green 6 Month Fixed Rate

6 Months
  • 100% Renewable Sources
See All Plans

For all rates in your area, enter your ZIP Code in the free Rate Comparison Tool found at the top of the page.

How To Compare Electricity Plans makes electricity shopping as easy as possible. All you need to do is follow this simple three-step process.

How to Compare Atlantic City Electric Electricity Rates
  1. Enter your ZIP Code Get New Jersey electricity rates in your area.
  2. Compare electricity providers and plans Compare great rates and 100% renewable plans from leading providers
  3. Switch electricity providers After you find the right plan for you, select it, fill out the necessary information and switch.

After you make the switch, your new electricity supplier will take care of the rest. You will still get the same safe and reliable electricity transmission from ACE and your new rate will show up on your bill in 1-2 months.

Service Area

Atlantic City Electric delivers electricity to customers in southern New Jersey across eight counties.

Cities Served:

  • Atlantic City
  • Bridgeton
  • Milleville
  • Pleasantville

Counties Served:

  • Atlantic
  • Burlington
  • Camden
  • Cape May
  • Cumberland
  • Gloucester
  • Ocean
  • Salem

About Atlantic City Electric Energy Choice

Energy deregulation in New Jersey means that you have the option to choose the best provider and electricity plan for your home. This is also commonly called Energy Choice. If you don’t participate and choose your electricity provider – Atlantic City Electric will shop for electricity on your behalf and pass the costs along to you as the default supply rate or Price to Compare found on your bill.

Some of the numerous benefits of participating in Energy Choice are:

  • Saving on your electricity bill: Lowering the supply rate on your electricity bill by up to 30%
  • Locking in your rate: Signing up for a fixed-rate electricity plan that won’t fluctuate
  • Variety of options: Ability to choose a 100% renewable energy plan and take advantage of other incentives offered by third-party electricity suppliers

How to Read your ACE Electric Bill

There are two types of charges on your Atlantic City Electric bill: delivery charges and supply charges. Energy Choice allows you to take control of your electricity supply charges.

Delivery Charges

  • For reliable service, transmission and delivery of electricity
  • Do not change when you switch electricity companies
  • Charged by your utility company

Supply Charges

  • For the electricity that you use in your home
  • Can be lower when you switch providers
  • Charged by your chosen provider or your utility company by default

ACE Price To Compare

The Price to Compare is the price consumers pay by default for electricity supply. This is the price that you'll use when comparing rates to figure out if you're getting a better deal by switching electricity providers. The Price to Compare can be found on your latest ACE electric bill.

Atlantic City Electric Contact Information

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