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TNMP Energy-Savings Solutions for Residential and Commercial Customers

Author: Jesse Shaver | Updated:

The Texas-New Mexico Power Company (TNMP), has rolled out various energy incentive programs for residential and commercial customers to help all customers, big and small, save on their monthly energy bills.

From residential weatherization programs, like the TNMP Home Energy Savings Program, to commercial lighting retrofit programs that help businesses reduce their light usage and costs, TNMP has you covered! TNMP’s commercial customers can also take advantage of demand response programs and receive incentives when they reduce their peak electricity usage during times of high demand.

About Texas-New Mexico Power Company:

  • They provide electricity transmission as well as power distribution services.
  • More than 260,000 homes and businesses get their energy from TNMP throughout Texas.
  • Headquartered in Lewisville, with about 400 employees, they serve more than 20 communities.
  • Their formal name is Texas-New Mexico Power Co., but they only serve Texas residents.

Here are the most promising incentives available for residential customers:

The TNMP High-Performance Homes Program:

Promotes the construction and certification of new high-performance and ENERGY STARĀ® certified homes. Participating homebuilders can receive financial incentives for constructing energy-efficient homes that meet current program guidelines. On average, ENERGY STAR-certified homes use 20% less energy than other new homes featuring high-efficiency construction, heating and cooling equipment, lighting, and appliances to deliver long-lasting savings and comfort.

Residential and Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Programs:

Gives incentives to participating contractors, multifamily property owners, energy service companies, nonprofits, and other organizations that install qualifying energy-efficient upgrades in existing residential homes.

Eligible projects for incentives include:

  • Insulation
  • Duct sealing
  • Cool roofs
  • A/C tune-ups
  • Heat pump water heaters
  • Clothes washers
  • Heating and cooling equipment
  • Other custom energy efficiency projects

The TNMP Low Income Weatherization Program:

Provides incentives for low-income customers to install energy efficiency upgrades in their single-family homes.

Eligible projects for incentives include:

  • Attic and wall insulation
  • LEDs
  • Replacement central air conditioners with a SEER of 14.5 or higher
  • Replacement heat pumps with a SEER of 14.5 or higher and HSPF of 8.5 or higher
  • Attic encapsulation
  • Air infiltration control measures
  • Duct sealing (alternate method accepted)
  • Water heating measures (electric water heaters only)
  • Solar screens

For most businesses, especially large ones, energy is often the single largest operating expense. Even modest increases in energy efficiency can have a large impact on your bottom line.

Here are the top incentive programs for commercial customers from TNMP:

1. The TNMP Commercial Solutions Program:

Provides large-scale commercial businesses with resources, tools, and financial incentives to help you cut costs and increase profits.

2. The TNMP CitySmart Program:

The typical government facility wastes nearly 33% of the energy it consumes. This program helps government agencies reduce waste and drive down operating costs by providing recommendations, resources, and incentives for energy-saving improvements.

3.The SCORE Program:

Offers schools both financial and technical support to help them save on energy costs, improve indoor air quality, and create a better learning environment for students and teachers.

4. The TNMP Open Program:

Supplies guidance, recommendations, and substantial financial incentives to help small business owners pay for energy-saving upgrades. If your business or nonprofit has a peak demand of 200 kW or less, Open can connect you with contractors who will provide professional services for energy-efficient technologies.

How do I get started?

For both residential and commercial customers, your saving incentives starts with a no-cost, no-obligation site assessment. The assessment will show you when, where, and how your building is using energy, and determine the most cost-effective ways to save more.

Simply find a local energy-efficiency contractor verified with the TNMP to provide certified upgrades which will qualify you for the savings incentives.

Want to save even more?

Texans are lucky in the fact that they live in a deregulated energy state. This means you have the power to choose your electricity provider.

Simply enter your zip code above in the Free Rate Comparison Tool to make sure you’re aware of all your power provider options available in your area to start saving right away!

Additionally, you can visit our free Energy Choice blog for easy ways to reduce your monthly power bill.