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Jason Ramach

Content Marketer and Writer


About the Author

Jason is a content marketer and writer that is obsessed with creating things that are radically useful for the reader. The main industries he focuses on are energy, SaaS, and marketing (among anything else that may interest him).

Latest Content from Jason Ramach

  • Duquesne Light Rebates & Programs

    If Duquesne Light is your PA utility company, you have the opportunity to potentially realize hundreds in savings through its customer programs and rebates.

  • Are Solar Panels in Texas Worth It?

    Is that large investment in solar panels worth it for your Texas home? Maybe, but you need to ask yourself a few questions first.

  • 6 Easy Ways To Lower Your Dallas Electricity Bill

    Texas homes on average use more electricity than 90% of homes in the US. Learn how to cut back on that electricity consumption and save on your electricity bill.

  • 6 Ways To Stay Safe in the Texas Heat This Summer

    Texas summers can be brutal, and if you’re not careful, dangerous. That’s why it’s important to know the steps to take to stay safe in the Texas heat this summer.

  • February 2021 Texas Electric Grid Failure

    This past February, millions in Texas went without power, some for days. Learn what happened and what Texas can do to prevent it from happening again.
