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Aaron Weber

Content Writer


About the Author

Aaron is a content writer and organic marketer with extensive experience in the energy industry. He frequently writes for Power Target on and

Latest Content from Aaron Weber

  • Washington D.C. will run on 100% renewable energy by 2032

    Washington D.C. now joins a list of over 90 cities that have a goal to become 100% renewable in the next 20 years. 

  • Video Games Could be Racking Up Your Electricity Bill

    Many Americans love to play video games but very few ever consider how it might impact their electricity bill.

  • Here are the Risks of Using Intermittent Energy Sources

    Many would love to see the US transition to 100% renewable energy. However, what happens when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow? Here are the risks of using intermittent energy.

  • Here are 4 Reasons Why Nevadans Should Vote “Yes” on Question 3 for Energy Choice

    Nevadans will have a choice to open up their energy market by voting "yes" on Question 3 at the polls on November 6th. Here are a few reasons why they should.

  • Renewable Energy and the Energy Demand Gap

    Filling the gap between energy supply and demand with renewable energies poses major challenge facing the increasingly industrialized globe.
