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Pennsylvania Debates Over Bill That Would Allow Community Solar Projects and Receive Credit on Their Electric Bill

Author: Aaron Weber | Reviewer: Jesse Shaver | Updated:

Pennsylvania community solar bill

Lawmakers at the Pennsylvania state Capitol are introducing a bill they say would benefit Pennsylvania’s solar energy industry.

House Bill 531 enables what is called community solar projects. If passed, residents or businesses could subscribe to a portion of an off-site solar project and receive credit on their electric bill for the power produced, just like if solar panels were on their roof.

Supporters say people who could participate in the projects would include renters who aren’t allowed to install solar panels, people who live in shaded areas, and those who have a roof that is not compatible with having solar panels.

Eighteen other states allow community solar projects. Supporters of the bill say it would be a huge benefit to Pennsylvania’s economy.

“Not only will this bill protect our environment, but it will also spur on the state’s growing solar industry, through a newly opened market by providing individuals with the investment opportunity to benefit from an extra revenue stream, while reducing both their energy cost and carbon footprint,” said Rep. Aaron Kauffer (R-Luzerne), a sponsor of House Bill 531.

A similar bill introduced late in the last session never made it out of committee.

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