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Duquesne Light Rebates & Programs

Author: Jason Ramach | Reviewer: Jesse Shaver | Updated:

Whether you’re an urban dweller in the heart of Pittsburgh, a suburbanite in the surrounding areas or up north in one of the many townships of western Pennsylvania, you need energy to light, heat, cool and power your home all the same.

If you live in Allegheny or Beaver county, Duquesne Light Company (DLC) is likely the utility provider that keeps your lights on. Since you pay your bill through them every month, you probably know this. However, what you may not know is that DLC has many programs that can help you save on your energy bills, appliances and more.

Program Overview

  • Whole-House Energy Audit – Receive a professional energy audit with recommendations to reduce energy usage as well as up to $250 in rebates for installed measures.
  • Online Energy Audit – Get an instant or detailed analysis of your home energy use and receive a free energy kit in the mail which includes LED lamps and nightlights.
  • Online DLC Marketplace – Get great deals on energy-efficient products and appliances.
  • Appliance Rebates – Receive up to $300 in rebates when you purchase a new energy-efficient appliance. from freezers to dehumidifiers
  • Recycle Appliances – Get up to $50 for old appliances that could be costing you more on your energy bills.
  • Electric Vehicle Incentives – Earn tax or DLC bill credits when you purchase and drive an electric vehicle.

Perform a Whole-House Energy Audit

From your appliances to your insulation, almost everything in your home can affect how much energy you consume each day. Do you know if all those things are in tip-top shape and running effectively and efficiently?

To find out, DLC offers its customers home energy audits, which has an energy professional come out to your home and assess its energy efficiency. For $375, you will get this, plus the installation of LED bulbs, smart power strips, and other energy-saving equipment.

On top of that, DLC offers a rebate of $250 on any recommended installed measures. This puts some of that cash back in your pocket in the short run and lowers your energy bills in the long run. It’s a win-win.

How Do I Schedule an Audit?

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1-888-998-9478 or email The program ends on May 31, 2026 or until program funding is exhausted, so when you call be sure to ask if funding is still available.

Conduct an Online Energy Audit

If you’re less inclined to have an in-home audit of your energy usage, DLC offers an alternative online energy audit with two energy-saving opportunities.

Using an Instant Bill Analysis, DLC reviews your most recent energy bill to determine where electricity went in your home the previous month. The other online audit option is a Detailed Home Analysis which conducts a more thorough assessment of your energy usage in an easy-to-use, three-minute tool.

One major benefit of the detailed analysis (beyond the potential savings on your next bill) is the free Energy Efficiency Kit DLC provides its customers who undergo this type of assessment. The one-time offer sends eight LED lights and two nightlights to you in the mail after the Detailed Home Analysis energy audit is complete.

How Do Perform an Online Energy Audit?

Visit this page, enter your DLC account number then choose which type of online energy audit you prefer: Detailed Home Analysis or Instant Bill Analysis. Remember, if you would like the Energy Efficiency Kit, you must conduct a Detailed Home Analysis.

If you need assistance, email

Online DLC Marketplace

So, you’ve conducted an energy audit on your home and now have an in-depth understanding of which appliances and parts of your home are sapping all of the electricity. Armed with this knowledge, how do make your household appliances and items run more efficiently?

Duquesne created an online marketplace for energy- and cost-savvy shoppers who are searching for new appliance upgrades that could lower electric bills. From thermostats and lightbulbs to refrigerators and pool pumps, DLC’s Watt Choice Energy-Efficient Product Marketplace houses major retailers you’ll recognize on your hunt for these products.

Find your next appliance at the DLC Marketplace. To be eligible, you must be a current Duquesne Light customer and have your account number on hand.

Appliance Rebates

If you are planning any upgrades to your home appliances, check out DLC’s appliance rebates to see where you can save. Here are some of the rebates available:

  • ENERGY STAR-certified Heat Pump Water Heater ($300 rebate)
  • Qualifying Smart Thermostats ($50 rebate)
  • ENERGY Star-certified Refrigerator ($35 rebate)

To qualify for a rebate, the appliance you purchase must meet the criteria outlined by DLC.

What You Need to Apply:

  1. Your DLC account number.
  2. Your receipt.

Find out more details about the process and how it works by visiting DLC’s Residential Rebates page here.

Recycle Outdated Appliances

According to DLC, that old A/C unit or refrigerator may be using up to four times the energy as a new model. With Duquesne Light’s appliance recycling program, you can get rid of that energy-hungry appliance to save on your energy bills, and make some cash while you’re at it.

DLC’s Appliance Recycling Program deploys a contractor from ARCA to break down and haul away the appliance from your home to recycle it for free. Duquesne Light will even pay you $50 for each AC unit, refrigerator, or freezer, as well as $35 for each dehumidifier.

Visit DLC’s Appliance Recycling Program page for more details. To be eligible, you must be an active DLC customer and appliances must be in working condition.

Zip Around in an Electric Car

Here’s a way to help your wallet and the environment at the same time. Duquesne is putting the pedal to the metal on sustainability efforts by incentivizing customers to purchase electric vehicles (EVs).

There are almost too many benefits to count: low fuel costs, reduced maintenance, one-third the emissions of a gas-powered car and credits and incentives galore. Here’s a rundown of the Pennsylvania and federal tax credits and incentives you can receive by driving an EV:

  • Federal tax credits alone could account for $2,500-7,500 when you purchase a EV depending on the battery capacity.
  • Federal alternative fuel infrastructure tax credits can earn an EV driver up to $1,000 when they purchase qualified residential fueling equipment before December 31, 2021.
  • The Department of Environmental Protection is giving up to $750 for Pennsylvania drivers when they purchase an electric car and an additional $1,000 for eligible low-income applicants.
  • Duquesne Light has a $60 electric vehicle bill credit for both residential and commercial customers with a plug-in electric car.

How Do I Receive EV Incentives?

Visit DLC’s Electric Vehicle Incentives page and fill out the required information when you click “Personalize Incentives”. To immediately earn the $60 DLC bill credit for owning or leasing an electric car, reach out to Duquesne directly and let them know so you can start saving now.

Save By Switching Providers

The programs outlined above are all the programs DLC currently offers that provide free services and credits. You can learn more about them by visiting DLC’s website.

However, if you want an even easier way to lower your electric bill, you may want to consider switching electricity plans. With, you can compare the leading Pennsylvania electricity providers and plans side by side to find the perfect energy solution for you.

Disclaimer: Availability, eligibility and other information about the rebates & programs provided in this post is subject to change and may differ from what’s in this post. Be sure to check DLC’s website for the latest information on its programs & rebates before you attempt to take part in any of the programs or rebates outlined here.