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Aaron Weber

About the Author

Aaron is a content writer and organic marketer with extensive experience in the energy industry. He frequently writes for Power Target on and

Latest Content from Aaron Weber

    BGE Electricity Supply Rates Will Increase 8.3% Starting October 1st

    Back in May, regional utility Baltimore Gas and Electric has filed an application with the Maryland Public Service Commission to bump up its rates and bring in an additional $133 million. Those electricity rate increase will start effecting Maryland residents beginning October 1st. Under the new plan, BGE electricity supply rates will increase from 6.558 cents/kWh to 7.146 cents/kWh. This would add roughly $6 to the average Maryland resident's supply charge each month.

    Updated: August 30th, 2019
    Why Connecticut has the highest electricity rates in the lower 48

    Connecticut consistently has some of the highest electricity rates in the country. We dive into why and how CT residents can save money.

    Updated: August 23rd, 2019
    Texas Heat Forces Electric Grid Operators to Declare Emergency as Prices Soar

    As temperatures in Texas climbed above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas issued an emergency alert, asking all power plants to generate as much electricity as possible and for Texas residents to conserve.

    Updated: August 15th, 2019