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The Best Electricity Comparison Tools in Texas

Author: Jesse Shaver | Updated:

While the power to choose is great, it can also be quite a headache. There are more than 130 electricity companies in Texas. That means you might be sifting through 100-plus companies and reviewing hundreds of electric plans to find the right one. Because doing this can take hours, if not days, to perform, Texas has various electricity comparison tools to speed up the process.

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What is an Electricity Comparison Tool?

Electricity comparison tools are exactly what they sound like – tools that compare electricity rates and plans from various companies. After deregulation in 2002, the Public Utilities Commission of Texas created its own comparison tool, Power to Choose.

What sprung up next were private companies that started creating websites that served as comparison tools. Essentially, these electricity comparison tools compare the electricity rates and plans of different power companies throughout deregulated Texas. They will help guide you through the electricity plan process and get you enrolled in an electricity contract. is one of these comparison sites, and we’re one of the few options that operate without an agenda. Our only goal is to save you as much money as possible on your electricity bills. To get started, enter your ZIP code into the Free Rate Comparison Tool at the top of the page. We’ll then show you all the electricity plans in your area and lay out the details in a way that’s easy to read and understand.

However, we won’t go so far as to pick the plan for you. We believe you know your needs better than we do, and we’ll leave the ultimate decision up to you. We aim to ensure you have all the information you need to make a wise decision.

Why are Tools Necessary to Compare Power in Texas?

Comparison tools are needed because of the sheer number of companies to choose from. It is known that Texas has a one-of-a-kind energy market and Houston has been dubbed the energy capital of the US, and many of the retail electric providers in the state have their headquarters in Houston. Depending on where you live, you might have as many as 500 electricity plans to sift through.

However, when you enter your ZIP code into our Free Rate Comparison Tool, we’ll quickly show you the top plans available in your area. We narrow down the search options from hundreds of options to dozens. This will narrow your search time from hours or days down to minutes. Not only will you save time when you use, but you’ll also save a bundle of cash.

We lay out every detail of the plans available in your area so that you won’t miss a thing. Electricity companies are tricky with the way they structure their plan, but we’ll help you see through the confusion. Having all the details and understanding your energy usage is paramount to choosing the right plan so that you don’t overpay.

What to Lookout for with Certain Electricity Comparison Tools

While does not practice any of these tactics, it is important to be aware of a few things to watch out for when choosing an electricity comparison tool.

Deals With REPs

The main thing to watch out for with comparison tools is that they might have deals with electricity companies. As a result, they may direct you to enroll in a plan with a company that isn’t offering the best deal, but the comparison tool will make more money from it.

Choose Your Plan for You

Many electricity comparison tools will use your personal information to choose an electricity plan for you. While some people prefer this, we believe you understand your needs the best and can make the right choice. We simply narrow the options from “all applicable” to “best available.”

You Might Overpay

Finally, there’s a chance that you’ll overpay if you don’t choose your own electricity plan. There are many horror stories about people paying $500 to $1,000 per month on their electricity bills, but those are usually people who don’t choose their own plans.

The bottom line is that reading the fine print of your electricity contract is at the core to making sure you don’t end up stuck with an electricity company who does save you money or fit your needs.

All Houston Electricity Rates

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The Best Way to Compare Electricity Rates in Texas has built a personalized experience to help shop, compare and sign up for an electricity plan. We tailor the rates you see down to your address, home’s square footage, and monthly usage so that you can get the most accurate information. Unlike other online comparison tools, we don’t pick the company for you. We believe that you know what your needs are better than anyone, so we simply want to provide you with all the details you need to make an informed decision and on a path to savings. Houston, TX Location

  • Address: 4201 Main St Suite 200, Houston, TX 77002
  • Phone: (832) 476-8721