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Jesse Shaver

Director of Organic Content & SEO

Jesse Shaver


About the Author

Jesse Shaver has over 15 years in the digital marketing space. Currently her focus is on helping consumers navigate the complexities of the energy industry, highlighting emerging innovations and technologies in the energy sector and elevating awareness of renewable energy trends so people and business can make the best energy decisions. Jesse enjoys spending time with her family, going to the beach and being outdoors.


  • B.S. Business Administration – Towson University
  • 15+ years specializing in digital marketing and customer experience

Latest Content from Jesse Shaver

  • Energy Choice Blog

    Suspendisse potenti. Praesent gravida purus ante, non imperdiet tortor condimentum eu. Nullam eu pulvinar eros. Maecenas ligula nunc, luctus nec odio at, congue accumsan lacus.

  • Energy Types

    Fusce a purus at erat condimentum hendrerit id vitae mi. Nam ultricies vel augue in sagittis. Sed ullamcorper libero urna, ac malesuada dolor pretium vitae.

  • Locations

    Donec rutrum fermentum massa, sed mattis velit posuere at. Aliquam iaculis dolor mattis elit sodales, eu mattis mauris tristique. Cras quis tortor cursus, blandit lorem.

  • Home

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin sed mi rhoncus, elementum turpis nec, accumsan risus. Pellentesque vel consequat tortor. Nullam semper porta imperdiet. Pellentesque varius egestas nunc, vel.

  • Jesse Test 3

    Sed mi urna, accumsan sit amet ornare ac, congue eu quam. Ut quis velit lacinia, vehicula dui eget, sodales erat. Vestibulum at tortor nibh. Cras.
