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Alex Gilmore
Senior Writer

About the Author
Alex Gilmore has been a senior writer for for four years. He has a passion for everything energy, especially improvements in the renewable energy industry and how to make energy more affordable for everyone.
Latest Content from Alex Gilmore
New York Residents Are Prepared to Fight Con Edison’s Proposed Rate Increase
New Yorkers are voicing their frustrations about a proposed electricity and gas rate increase by Con Edison. The utility, who serves 1.1 million residents and businesses in New York, wants to add $485 million in electricity and $210 million in natural gas revenue in 2020.
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How Electricity Storage Will Change The Future of The Energy Industry
Energy storage in growing and becoming cheaper than ever. It may change the entire energy industry.
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NYPD confirms it was a Con Edison transformer, not aliens, that lit up the New York sky and caused multiple blackouts
Some New Yorkers may have gotten a bit of a scare Thursday evening when they looked up and saw a bright blue light in the sky.
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How Big of a Burden is Your Electricity Bill? Comparing How Affordable Electricity is Around the Country
We compare how affordable electricity is around the country and how it effects your wallet.
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National Grid to Raise Electricity Rates Over 20% Starting Nov. 1st
National grid is raising their electricity rates in Massachusetts soon. Learn more about the increase and how to avoid paying more.