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Aaron Weber

Content Writer


About the Author

Aaron is a content writer and organic marketer with extensive experience in the energy industry. He frequently writes for Power Target on and

Latest Content from Aaron Weber

  • Survey Says New Jersey Residents Still Strongly In Favor of Offshore Wind Energy Development

    New Jersey residents are still strongly in favor of offshore wind energy development. Over three-quarters, (76%) of NJ residents say they are in favor of offshore wind energy development while only 15% are opposed.

  • You Can Save Lives Just by Turning Off Your Lights

    Energy-efficiency is a term that gets tossed around a lot these days. Whether we want to save money on our electricity bill or help prevent global warming, we know being energy-efficient is becoming increasingly more important. But, did you know it can also save lives?

  • Which States Have The Highest Average Electricity Bill?

    Having a high electricity rate doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be stuck with a huge electricity bill at the end of the month. Here is a list of the top average electricity bills in the US.

  • A Small Power Plant in Texas May Revolutionize the Energy Industry

    A small Texas power plant is revolutionizing the energy industry.

  • Top 3 Most Energy Efficient Air Conditioners for Summer 2019

    Keeping your home cool doesn’t have to break the bank. Whether you’re looking to install a new air conditioner to beat the heat or you need an efficient replacement for your old, costly model, it’s important to choose the most energy efficient unit.
