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Utility PPL Wants Electric Customers to Switch Suppliers
PPL is trying to clear up confusion about shopping for better rates.
The utility company, PPL, wants its customers to be ready for a tough winter – and the potential for higher electric bills. They are now encouraging people to shop around for an alternative electric supplier.
PPL doesn’t make its money by making electricity, but rather, from delivering it. A spokesperson says they “basically act as a FedEx for a product.”
PPL says it’s “OK” to switch to those other suppliers and that they do not compete with them. Customers should also know that PPL crews will still come out if there’s an outage and that they will still receive one monthly bill.
This also applies to the utilities Met-Ed, PECO, Penelec, Duquesne Light, West Penn Power, and Penn Power — as default electric suppliers will always be there to deliver your electricity.
To find out who is generating your electricity now, look at your electric bill. The generation charge is the largest part of your bill.
As a PPL customer, if you’re paying more than $.09 cents a kilowatt hour – you should be shopping for an alternative electric suppliers.
The easiest way to shop and compare and is to visit — Enter your ZIP Code, and compare rates in seconds!