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Constellation Donates $10K to New York Based Non-Profit
Retail energy provider, Constellation, donated $10,000.00 to non-profit Champions for Life Sports Center in Auburn, New York.
Champions for Life Sports Center has been a longtime supporter of athletes with disabilities. Their power soccer team, CNY United, is among the elite clubs in the nation. Power soccer is a modified sport, modeled after indoor soccer, played on a basketball court. Teams of 4 players, a goalie, and 3 attack/defenders, use guards attached to the front of their wheelchairs to pass and score in a highly competitive and dynamic game.
Originated in France in the 1970’s, power soccer is currently played internationally as well as by over 60 teams nationwide. The CNY United team will travel to Phoenix, Arizona to compete in the national power soccer championship at the end of June.
The CNY United program got their start at Champions’ indoor soccer arena in 2007, and has progressed through the help of families and many community supporters.
In 2013, Constellation challenged all employees in their respective regions to participate in a yearlong effort to provide volunteer hours for charitable causes. Spearheaded by Tom Cunningham of Syracuse, Tom led his regional team to secure the most hours in this national effort. As a result, Constellation generously donated $10,000.00 and Champions for Life was identified as the recipient of the award.
Champions for Life, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1983. At Champions for Life and Everest Park, kids have fun staying healthy and physically fit in a family-friendly atmosphere focused on an athlete’s character and dignity, not just their physicality. Champions for Life and Everest Park promote virtue and character through sports, recreational programs and activities that foster a love of God, the dignity of the human person, family unity and respect for others. For more information on programming you can find us on facebook or at our website,