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PPL Electric Utilities Increases Supply Rate


Due to a PUC-approved change in transmission charges, PPL Electric Utilities (PPL) is adjusting its price to compare for this quarter for customers who rely on the utility to purchase electric supply on their behalf.

Effective October 1st, the new price to compare for residential customers will be 8.956 cents per kilowatt-hour (currently 8.814 cents per kWh). The price to compare for small business customers will be 8.596 cents per kilowatt-hour (currently 8.785 cents per kWh). The new adjusted price to compare will be in effect until December 1st.

Generation rates and prices to compare for residential and small business customers are adjusted every three months to reflect the cost of power purchases and adjustments based on customer use in the prior period. The generation rate for large industrial customers is based on hourly market prices. The company’s price to compare, which includes generation and transmission charges, is customarily updated on March 1st, June 1st, September 1st and December 1st each year.

PPL Electric Utilities encourages customers to seek opportunities to save on power supply costs by shopping for deals with competitive electric suppliers.