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Pennsylvania library sees multiple benefits from lower electricity rates
While many Pennsylvania residents have been hesitant to make the switch to alternative electricity providers, one library in the southeastern part of the state has embraced the change wholeheartedly, according to The Patriot-News.
While electricity suppliers have generally been able to promote themselves on lower electricity rates, many companies have found more success when they make a more personal connection with their customers.
Dallas-based Stream Energy chose to offer customers the opportunity to support organizations and causes of their choice simply by signing up and paying their regular electricity bills. For every customer that signs up under this program, the Palmyra Public Library will earn $4 per month.
So far the library has 10 supporters, which already amounts to $480 per year.
“If they haven’t switched, they would save money and benefit the library at the same time,” explained Karla Marsteller, the library’s executive director. “The nice part of this is it’s not a once-and-done thing. It provides residual income, which is unusual in the world of library fundraising,”
According to, Metropolitan Edison, the utility company that covers Palmyra’s area, has the second lowest rate of customers switching electricity providers. Only 9.6 percent of all its customers and 7.7 percent of its residential customers have made the change.