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National Grid MA: May 2016 Savings

With only five days left in May, National Grid customers can still save on their electric bill. National Grid providers have changed their rates and plans which means a lot of different options for customers to choose from. See below for the April 2016 National Grid MA electricity provider information:
May MA National Grid Price to Compare
The May MA National Grid Price to Compare is 13.04 cents/kWh. This price represents National Grid’s default supply rate for April. If you do not choose another supplier, National Grid will be your electricity provider.
May National Grid Electricity Rates for MA
Currently, Constellation is offering the plan with the best National Grid rate for MA customers with an 6 month, 7.78 cents/kWh fixed plan. This electricity rate represents 40% savings over the current May 2016 price to compare. If you are looking for a longer term plan, Constellation also is offering a 12 month 8.99 cents/kWh which has 31% savings over the current price to compare.
If you are a MA resident, National Grid customer and want to lock in the savings of one of these plans go to our Constellation page, enter your ZIP Code and select the plan that works best for you.

The National Grid electricity provider, Direct Energy, is also offering MA customers a lot of electricity savings. Currently Direct is offering 6, 12, 24 and 36 month fixed plans. The six month plan has 38% saving over the current price to compare while the 36 month has 11% savings.
If you are Interested in these MA Direct Energy offerings visit our Direct Energy Provider Profile Page and enter your ZIP Code.
If at any time you would like to compare these National Grid electricity plans and other National Grid electricity rates, go to the to the right side of this page and enter your ZIP Code.