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Connecticut Residents Use Less Heat But Still Pay More

Author: Jason Ramach | Reviewer: Jesse Shaver | Updated:

Connecticut Heat

For much of the US, this winter has been mild.

This has led to decreased heat usage throughout states like Connecticut. However, according to the Connecticut Post, this does not always equate to a lower bill at the end of the month.

Increased rates in natural gas and electricity have offset
some of the savings customers usually see.

Who’s Saving The Most This Winter?

Connecticut residents who use heating oil are saving the
most this winter.

Even though only 4.6% of households in the US use heating
oil, that number in Connecticut is almost 40%. This means most
Connecticut residents are actually saving this winter.

According to the article, heating oil is down to $2.865 per
gallon. For reference, it was at $3.251 per gallon last February. This lower
price, combined with less heat usage, has led to big savings for heating oil
users in Connecticut.

Increased Natural Gas Rates

For the 36.1% of Connecticut homes that use natural gas as
their primary heating source, the savings from less usage were offset by an
almost 30% increase in natural gas rates. The Connecticut Post attributes this
to a rise in natural gas tariffs.

And while the weather has been mild, it has still been cold
enough for heating to be necessary. Therefore, many Connecticut residents are
still paying as much as they did during colder winters.

Connecticut Electricity Rates

The colder the winter, the higher the electricity usage. In
part, this increased usage can be attributed to 16.9% of Connecticut homes that
use electricity for heating.

But electricity’s story is similar to natural gas’s for
Connecticut. Although mild temperatures may be offsetting electricity use,
increases in electricity rates have cut into possible savings.

We talked about this rate hike when it came into effect this January. If you want to save money on your Connecticut electricity bill, we highly suggest you check it out.

Want more info? Visit our comprehensive guide to Connecticut electricity rates.