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Bounce Energy wins recognition for quality website

Author: Adam Cain | Updated:

Bounce Energy, the Houston-based electricity provider, announced last week that it has once again been recognized for its work in online interactive media.

The competitive electricity market has grown steadily over the past two decades, as more Americans come to realize the potential of switching electricity suppliers. But it has also grown slowly, with only Texas having a majority being supplied by alternative electricity providers, in large part because many Americans who actually have this option remain unfamiliar with the process.

Bounce Energy has made major strides in addressing this issue with a clean, informative website stocked with a variety of tools for those looking to switch electricity suppliers. Now, for the second consecutive year the Interactive Media Council has recognized Bounce for “Outstanding Achievement” in its annual Interactive Media Awards.

The IMAs are given out based on a variety of factors, but Bounce’s overall score of 472 out of 500 possible points distinguished it from other electricity providers. Particularly, the clarity of the electricity rate offerings and the wealth of information to help customers decide proved crucial in the judges’ eyes.