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Glacial Energy Now a Choice for Ohio Duke Energy Customers

Author: Adam Cain | Updated:

The retail electricity provider, Glacial Energy, has announced that it is now offering residential electricity for Duke Energy customers in Ohio.

Unlike many other retail electricity providers, Glacial Energy’s primary business comes from residential and commercial customers in twenty deregulated states and the District of Columbia. Company management has stated that this focus allows them to provide affordable, competent services to the most demanding and time-conscious customers.

Customers that choose to switch to Glacial Energy can lock in a 12-month fixed rate plan of 5.849 cents per kWh for regular electricity. This compares to Duke Energy’s current Price-to-Compare of 6.19 cents per kWh, a 5.5% savings. Customer can also opt for a 12-month fixed rate green option for 6.014 cents per kWh, a 2.8% savings.

Both plans carry a $50 cancellation fee, so if you are planning on moving or discontinuing your electric service for any reason, you may want to calculate this into the potential savings of your total electricity cost.

Glacial Energy is a national retail energy provider that supplies electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional customers in deregulated states throughout the nation.