Get Your Rate Comparison Now



Written By: Alex Gilmore

Last Updated: 06/24/2020

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Make The Switch in Minutes Through Our Simple & Secure Process

PEPCO Bill Logo

As a Maryland resident and a PEPCO customer, you have Energy Choice. This means you can shop for the best Maryland electricity rates and switch providers. You can save instantly on your electricity without changing any of your electricity usage.

Comparing PEPCO Electricity Rates

Switching is 100% free and can be done in just minutes. Here are the top plans available to PEPCO customers.


Price to Compare 12.46¢

The electricity utility's price for electricity supply expressed as a price per kWh, to be used to contrast prices with competitive suppliers.

Best Electricity Rates
ProviderPlan NameLengthRate Per kWhSign Up
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 9
9 Mo.11.99¢
Save 4%
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 12
12 Mo.12.09¢
Save 3%
12 Month Home Power Plan
12 Mo.12.29¢
Save 2%
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 18
18 Mo.13.19¢Select
PlanRate Per kWh
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 9

9 Months
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 12

12 Months
12 Month Home Power Plan

12 Months
Direct Energy
Live Brighter 18

18 Months
    See All Plans

    For all rates in your area, enter your ZIP Code at the top of the page.

    PEPCO Bill Information

    If you are a PEPCO customer and are looking to change Maryland electricityprovidersyou will need your service number. See below for information on how to find your PEPCO service number on your bill.

    When switching PEPCO electricity providers, all you will need is your service number on your PEPCO bill:

    PEPCO Bill

    PEPCO Service Number

    Your 22 digit service number can be found on the third page of your PEPCO bill.

    Compare PEPCO Electricity Providers

    Now that you have your PEPCO service number, start comparing electricity rates and providers by entering yourZIP Code into our compare and switch tool at the top right of this page and clicking search. You will then find a number of electricity providers, rates and plans you can choose from.

    When you are comparing rates, some questions you should ask are:

    • What is your current PEPCO supply rate? (this can also be found on your PEPCO bill)
    • Electricity providers for PEPCO typically offer between 6 and 36 month plans. What contract length are you looking for?
    • Are you considering a PEPCO renewable electricity provider for your switch?

    Lower Your PEPCO Bill

    After comparing PEPCO electricity providers and finding one that you want to switch to, click select and start entering your information. This is when you will need your PEPCO service number.

    Your new provider will contact PEPCO directly about your switch. You will still get billed by PEPCO.

    Usually it takes one to two billing cycles for your to see the change in your supply rate on your PEPCO bill.

    For any billing questions and emergencies, contact PEPCO directly.

    Other Ways to find your PEPCO Customer Information

    Still having trouble finding your customer information? To get your PEPCO service number you can also:

    For more information about PEPCO check out the PEPCO utility page