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Rachel Lieberman

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Latest Content from Rachel Lieberman

    PG&E Seeks Huge Electricity and Gas Rate Increases After Wildfires

    PG&E, even before it seeks potential rate hikes linked to wildfire liabilities and lawsuits, on Thursday asked state regulators for large increases in monthly electricity and gas bills

    Updated: December 14th, 2018
    PPL Increases Electricity Rates for Small Businesses

    PPL Electric Utilities has increased their electricity rates for small businesses by over 6%. Here is more information on how this will impact your electricity bill and how to save.

    Updated: November 9th, 2018
    Predicting Future Energy Demand is Becoming Increasingly More Difficult

    The oil and gas industries have always had difficulty predicting future market demand.  But, today’s market is even more difficult to predict with the emergence of renewable sources.

    Updated: October 12th, 2018